Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Here is a permanent way to deal with anxiety in the workplace without using drugs, alcohol or getting sick: First determine what the cause of the anxiety is. Is it work overload, an unhealthy environment, aggressive or abusive personalities or you don’t really enjoy the work you do? Changing your work situation so you can … Continue reading Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

The Differences in People that Matter the Most

There is so much anger, lying, cheating, shaming, bullying, fighting, killing and suicide going on in our world today, which only serves to pit one person against another, one group to fight the other, one nation to invade another. And a myriad of reasons are used to justify those actions: having the wrong beliefs, sex, … Continue reading The Differences in People that Matter the Most

Illuminating the Light within the Darkness

It’s hard to see the light when you’re steeped in the darkness of your disappointments, regrets, losses, failures, fears and painful experiences. The darkness can creep up in unexpected ways, a hurt here, a slight there, and before you know it you’re trapped in that darkness. You can tell a dark memory because it feels … Continue reading Illuminating the Light within the Darkness

3 Steps to Effectively Handle the Stress of Loss

There are many life situations that trigger stress, but one of the main sources is loss. It could be as simple as the loss of a sale or a favored object, or as significant as the loss of a project, job, business or money. Or even the biggest loss: The loss of a loved one. … Continue reading 3 Steps to Effectively Handle the Stress of Loss

Stress Relief Tip: Learn To Say NO

Many people have been raised to believe that there is nothing more noble than giving up self for the sake of others. They will frequently deny their own desires in order to please others, believing that the needs of others must come first. Whenever they’re asked to do something, they answer yes without considering the … Continue reading Stress Relief Tip: Learn To Say NO