Category: Pain Relief & Relaxation
Tips for Relieving Pain
Device relieves pain AND makes you look years younger!!!
This device is so advanced that you can treat your face, neck, chest, hands or back in only minutes a day. The anti-aging effect caused by the deep penetrating far infrared, deep red, red and amber lights provide wrinkle and line reduction and prevention, skin tone and color enhancement, hyper pigmentation treatment and many other … Continue reading Device relieves pain AND makes you look years younger!!!
Far Infrared Beauty & Pain Relief Devices
Do-it-yourself spa-quality far infrared devices rejuvenate your aging skin, relieve muscle and joint pain, remove toxins from your body and promote relaxation, all in the comfort of your home. Light therapy is one of the safest and most effective methods of rejuvenating and healing the skin and providing pain relief. Forty years of independent research … Continue reading Far Infrared Beauty & Pain Relief Devices
Tension, stress, pain or cramps ruining your day?
Get relief from cramps, muscle pain and tension + save an extra 10% It’s difficult to function at our best when our body is screaming in discomfort from tension, stress or pain. But while relaxation techniques can ease tension and stress, pain often requires treatments that go deeper into the body or products specifically designed … Continue reading Tension, stress, pain or cramps ruining your day?
Got Pain? A Simple Way to Accelerate the Healing Process
No one likes pain “¦ except maybe masochistic people “¦ and when pain strikes, it increases the tension level in your body. Whether the pain was caused by something someone else did to you (for instance, a doctor giving you a shot in the muscle instead of a joint) or caused by something you did, … Continue reading Got Pain? A Simple Way to Accelerate the Healing Process
Unusual and Healthy Uses of Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
While most people are aware of Himalayan Salt Lamps, you may not know of many other uses for Himalayan salt for health improvement, such as, Himalayan Crystal Salt Inhaler is made from high quality ceramic filled with original himalayan salt crystals. Its salty microclimate calms and cleanses the cells of the respiratory system. When using … Continue reading Unusual and Healthy Uses of Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
Get Quick Relief from Muscle Pains and Cramps
It’s amazing how transdermal magnesium chloride from the pristine, ancient Zechstein sea, stopped my knee from aching and eliminated the cramps in my feet. And I’m not the only one noticing the relief from pain. Everyone I know who has tried it has felt some relief. Many people don’t know that muscle cramps, facial tics, … Continue reading Get Quick Relief from Muscle Pains and Cramps