Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Here is a permanent way to deal with anxiety in the workplace without using drugs, alcohol or getting sick: First determine what the cause of the anxiety is. Is it work overload, an unhealthy environment, aggressive or abusive personalities or you don’t really enjoy the work you do? Changing your work situation so you can … Continue reading Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

STOP!!! Enough already.

STOP!!! Enough already.  The bickering is so loud it’s getting hard to hear my soul. All the lies, deception, hatefulness, insults, fighting and violence going on in the name of … what exactly? To what lengths will you go to oppress, suppress or attempt to obliterate those whose skin color, heritage, religious affiliation (or lack … Continue reading STOP!!! Enough already.

Dealing with anxiety in the workplace without medication

What is the cause of the anxiety?  Is it work overload, an unhealthy environment, aggressive or abusive personalities or you don’t really enjoy the work you do? Changing your work situation so you can mostly avoid the stressors is the easy fix. But that doesn’t really solve the bigger problem, and that is letting others … Continue reading Dealing with anxiety in the workplace without medication

Depression is Not a Disease

Depression is not a disease, although it can be contagious. Depression is not genetic, although anyone can pass it on to others. Depression often leads to suicide to end the pain, although for family and friends suicide brings new pain. Depression is a problem that has infected millions of people worldwide, maybe even you. In … Continue reading Depression is Not a Disease

Tension, stress, pain or cramps ruining your day?

Get relief from cramps, muscle pain and tension + save an extra 10% It’s difficult to function at our best when our body is screaming in discomfort from tension, stress or pain. But while relaxation techniques can ease tension and stress, pain often requires treatments that go deeper into the body or products specifically designed … Continue reading Tension, stress, pain or cramps ruining your day?

3 Steps to Effectively Handle the Stress of Loss

There are many life situations that trigger stress, but one of the main sources is loss. It could be as simple as the loss of a sale or a favored object, or as significant as the loss of a project, job, business or money. Or even the biggest loss: The loss of a loved one. … Continue reading 3 Steps to Effectively Handle the Stress of Loss

How to Smooth Out Life’s Little Speed Bumps

Life has ups and downs. One day you make a big sale and the next day your refrigerator breaks. One day you’re in love and the next day you are breaking up. One day your co-worker is in a great mood and the next day she’s abusive. One moment you’re happy and the next your … Continue reading How to Smooth Out Life’s Little Speed Bumps

Stress Relief Tip: So What?

So what if I am confused, I can seek clarity. So what if I feel overwhelmed, I can always change my point of focus. So what if I am upset that I didn’t know that sooner, I know it now. So what if that didn’t turn out okay, I gained new knowledge and wisdom from … Continue reading Stress Relief Tip: So What?

How to Diffuse Aggressive or Hostile Behavior

Some people respond to difficult situations by becoming hostile, aggressive or argumentative. Perhaps they believe that they have been slighted, insulted or offended, and nothing short of revenge or retribution will even the score. They will stubbornly hold on to the belief that they have been “wronged,” refusing to consider that the way they’re perceiving … Continue reading How to Diffuse Aggressive or Hostile Behavior

Eight Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Improve Your Health

Your health and well-being is determined to a large extent by the care you give your body, mind and spirit. It’s your responsibility to treat your body in ways that nourish and enhance it — wholesome nutrition, movement and exercise, pampering, clean, fresh air, healthy environments, pure water, exposure to nature, etc. You feed your … Continue reading Eight Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Improve Your Health