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Copyright 2014 Carol A James. All rights reserved. This publication may be freely redistributed if copied in its ENTIRETY.
- Promotion of the Month
- Healthy Quote for This Issue
- The Top 10 Ways to Boost Your Energy
- Never Underestimate the Power of a Proper Breathing Technique
- Stress Relief Tip: Learn to Relax
- Healthy Recipe: Ginger-Sesame Chicken Wings
- A Touch of Humor: Quickies
8 Amazing Uses for Colloidal Defense
Colloidal Defense is the single most important item in my medicine cabinet. Here are eight uses I have found for it:
- Over the years of adding Colloidal Defense nearly every day to my eyes, my vision has improved and my eyes are very clear and the whites are white (no red). There is no sign of degeneration or cataracts (I am nearly 65).
- A few years ago I got a slightly torn retina (I looked it up and I had the symptoms including seeing a white flash in darkness) so I used Colloidal Defense in my eye several times a day and it eventually went away and never came back.
- When I get an eye infection from rubbing my eyes with my dirty fingers (bad habit, but I am much better and do it only rarely now), I use the drops several times a day until the infection goes away, which is usually within 3 days or less.
- I apply it directly to a cut or wound to quickly heal it.
- It is great for cleaning my ears (great for ear infections, too) and my innie bellybutton.
- I take Colloidal Defense sublingually whenever I feel like I might be coming down with something to speed the recovery process.
- My FedEx delivery guy was complaining one day about his eyes burning from severe allergies and I talked him into trying a bottle of Colloidal Defense. He called me later that evening, saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
- My friend uses Colloidal Defense in her eyes to clear up floaters and for wounds.
One bottle lasts me for several months, using it as described above.
SAVE 15% $39.95 $33.96 Add to Cart
“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.” — Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
By Gisele Guilbert, M.A.
The mind is willing, but the flesh is pooped! If you’ve got some great ideas and fun plans, but need more energy to carry them out, here are the top ten ways to get the energy you need. While our energy level is influenced by our body type, age, size, health, physical activity and the activity of our adrenal glands, pituitary glands, climate and nutrition, there are still a few things we CAN do to boost our energy level.
- Get the sleep you need! Nothing is more draining than running on less sleep than we need. It effects our ability to process, reason, concentrate and discern hunger. So make sure you get the shut-eye your body requires.
- Drink your H2O! Any time our body is dehydrated, we impede our mental performance, as well as our body’s ability to process waste, fight off infection, maintain body temperature and stay alert!
- Eat what your body requires to function well! Unless you’ve been advised by a doctor, don’t fast or take in less than 1200 calories a day on the average. Eating too little leaves you feeling tired, cranky and depressed. And worse, when you do start to eat normally again, your brain will kick in some neuropeptide-Y, to make you binge and stock up for the next fast!
- Get your protein and your carbs in. At various points in the day you may crave carbs and at other times, want protein. Listen to what your body desires and eat accordingly.
- Eat some fat! Yes, you read that right! SOME fat! Not eating enough fat can actually overstimulate your hunger and drain you of valuable energy. Shoot for the 20% to 30% range.
- Take your vitamins! It’s true. No matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to get in all the minerals and nutrients we need from food. Start with your daily multi and consider adding some extra Vitamin C, Calcium, and Vitamin E.
- Get the iron in. Iron deficiency among women is one of the leading causes of fatigue. Either take a supplement or try kidney beans, lean red meat and non GMO tofu, which are great sources of iron.
- Avoid the sugar and alcohol. Both substances will create a sense of fatigue and lethargy.
- Don’t eat too much! Overeating and feeling stuffed only creates a desire a curl up and snooze! Instead, eat to the point where you’re satisfied but not stuffed. How do you know? Well, ask yourself if you’d be ready for a 30-minute brisk walk afterwards…if you are, you’re just right!
- Take a cat nap. If you’re feeling tired and can take a few minutes – lie down in a comfortable spot for a brief nap. About 20 to 30 minutes will almost always refresh you.
By Barry McDonald
I’ve just been reading an article on college students who were found to be suffering from (EIA) exercise induced asthma but never had a history of asthma. Out of the 107 students that were tested 42 (39%) tested positive for EIA.
How can this be?
Does exercising increase the chance of you having an exercise induced asthma attack or does it increase the chance even if you’ve never had asthma before?
And if this is the case wouldn’t it be better for all asthma sufferers to avoid exercise like the plague and just become couch potatoes because it’s safer for their health?
It would make sense, right?
The reason I felt I had to write this article was that in its findings the article never considered how the students were breathing as they exercised and could this be the cause of the EIA’s.
Because we all breathe every day of our lives we assume that we know how to breathe properly but as I’ve said before in some of my other articles the population generally has got lazy with their breathing technique.
We try to take shortcuts here and there to avoid effort and our bodies adapt and after a time we think what we’re doing is the norm.
If we take exercise as an example, how do you breathe as you train?
Do you breathe in gasps and gulps with a mouth that’s wide open or do you have control over yourself and continue to breathe through your nose?
Because this could be the trick to avoiding exercise induced asthma!
Yes, such a simple thing as nose breathing! We were all given a nose for a reason and that was to breathe through and nothing else. Your mouth is to talk and put food in and nothing else.
By not breathing through the nose you lose out on all important functions that it gives us like
- Filtering the air that goes into your body: As you know the air that we breathe everyday contain more things than just air, it contains dust particles and pollution. Your nose is covered on the inside with small hairs and has a lining or mucus to catch all of this before it enters the airways and your lungs. (That’s why we sneeze to get rid of these particles.)
- Regulating the intake of air: There is also a reason why the opening of your nose is a lot smaller than the opening of your mouth and that is to regulate the quantity of air coming in. Your body and lungs can only process so much oxygen and by breathing through the nose you give it as much as it needs.
- Control the levels of CO2: Believe it or not but carbon dioxide plays an important part in a healthy body. We all assume that because we breathe in out that it’s a waste product and we don’t use it but the level of co2 is very important. A high level of carbon dioxide causes the muscles and airways to relax and so eases the flow of air and blood in the body.
By mouth breathing you allow too much carbon dioxide to escape through your mouth and your body reacts by closing down you airways to hold onto as much as it can. Which can then lead to you suffering from exercise induced asthma.
While this may seem a simple thing to do by just reverting over to nose breathing when you exercise rather than mouth breathing you may find it difficult to do but keep with it, it does pay off.
But be aware that you’re performance will probably drop for a couple of weeks until your body adapts to this way of breathing before your running times start to come down again.
Remember keep you mouth shut! (and I mean that in the nicest way possible.)
By Carol James
You can reduce the negative effects of stress by learning how to relax your body and mind. Relaxation techniques take the pressure off your body by decreasing metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and muscle tension. Other benefits include:
- Reduced, fatigue, neck and back pain, join pain, migraine headaches
- Improved sleep patterns.
- Heightened sensory perception and concentration.
- Decreased tension, anxiety, depression, anger or hostility.
- Release from negative thoughts (compulsive worrying, doubts, fears, etc.).
- Enhanced performance, efficiency and effectiveness.
- Improved immune function, which reduces susceptibility to infectious disease.
The body can be relaxed in a number of ways: Some people relax through self-hypnosis, meditation, prayer, visualization or various breathing, movement or energy techniques. Others use a combination of a number of these methods. The approach is not as important as how you feel as you do it. There is no one right way for everybody; what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So experiment. If you feel more relaxed, centered, balanced and peaceful, then you’ve chosen a method that works for you.
A simple and effect way to relax the body is a tense-relax method, which works as follows:
- Give yourself permission to take time for yourself.
- Turn off the telephone, close the door and create a private space free of interruptions.
- Select a comfortable position for your body.
- Take a few deep breaths, breathing in and out slowly and concentrating only on your breath.
- Inhale and tighten the muscles of your right leg, foot and toes, holding the muscles taut for a few seconds.
- Exhale as you relax the muscles.
- Repeat step 5 and 6 for each muscle group:
- Left leg, foot and toes
- Hips, and buttocks and abdomen
- Chest, back and shoulders
- Right arm, hand and fingers
- Left arm, hand and fingers
- Neck and jaw
- Tongue
- Face and scalp
- 8 chicken wings, cut at joints (or use thighs)
- 3 tbsp honey
- 1½ tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds
- ¼ tsp crushed ginger paste
- 1½ tsp crushed garlic paste (or 1 large clove finely minced)
- ¼ tsp paprika
- Combine all ingredients except the chicken in a glass bowl and cook on high for 1 minute.
- Add the chicken to the mixture and let stand for 1 hr. (Note: You can let the chicken stand for longer than 1 hour, even overnight, if you refrigerate it, but make sure to turn the chicken occasionally.)
- Remove chicken from the mixture and place it in a shallow oven-safe pan. Cover with tinfoil with one corner slightly open to allow for venting.
- Cook 15 to 17 minutes or until chicken begins to crisp. (Note: if you are cooking lots of chicken, cook it in the oven at 375 for roughly 30 to 45 minutes. Use crispness as your guide for doneness.)
During my uncle’s physical exam, his doctor mentioned that he was slightly overweight.
“Do you get any exercise?” the physician asked.
“Well, I used to have an exercise bike in the TV room,” my uncle began.
“Used to!” the doctor said. “Where is it now?”
“I had to store it in the basement,” my uncle confessed, “because it got in the way of my snack trays.”
Freedom Peppers
A man walks up to a cashier in a grocery store. He says, “Hey, how much for these jalapeño peppers?”
He pronounces it “joe-la-pen-oh,” not “ho-lo-peen-yo.”
The cashier says, “Sir, that’s not what those peppers are called.”
The man replies, “Listen, buddy, this is America, and I can pronounce any word the way I please.”
The cashier responds, “That may be, sir, but those are green peppers.”
You Stink!
It was a particularly tough football game, and nerves were on edge. The home team had been the victim of three or four close calls, and they were now trailing the visitors by a touchdown and a field goal. When the official called yet another close one in the visitor’s favor, the home quarterback blew his top.
“How many times can you do this to us in a single game?” he screamed.
“You were wrong on the out-of-bounds call, you were wrong on that last holding call, and you failed to say anything about a late hit in the first quarter.”
The official just stared. The quarterback seethed, but he tried to suppress language that might get him tossed out of the game. “What it comes down to,” he bellowed, “is that YOU STINK!”
The official stared a few more seconds. Then he bent down, picked up the ball, paced off 15 yards, and put the ball down. He turned to face the steaming quarterback.
“And how do I smell from here?” he asked.
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