INSPIRED BIZ NEWS September, 2014 Issue #135


  • Monthly Promotion
  • Inspiring Quote for This Issue
  • Take a New Direction with Your Professional Life
  • Apply Persistence to Your Possibilities
  • Work/Life Balance Tips for the Business Traveler
  • A Touch of Humor: Explanation of Instructions

Protect Your Health from Wireless Devices

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are all around us. In their natural form they are harmless. But when electromagnetic fields are man-made, they have been scientifically proven to disrupt the DNA structure of our bodies and wreak havoc on our health, causing headaches, fatigue, congestion, short-term memory problems, sleep problems, joint and muscle pain, cancer and more.

In a study funded by the telecom industry to prove the safety of cell phones, it was revealed that cellular damage and tumor growth can be induced in a laboratory setting using radiation levels one-third of those listed on FCC’s exposure guidelines.

Aulterra Neutralizer Protection for EMF (Electromagnetic Radiation

As shown in the chart above, the left is without Aulterra and the right image is with the Aulterra disk placed on a cell phone or other wireless device (laptops, ipads, tablets, e-readers, game boys, baby monitors, etc.). Just imagine what it’s doing to your children who have undeveloped immune systems.

Prices as low as $6.76 per device (buy more; save more) … such a small price to pay to insure you and your loved ones are protected from the health problems associated with wireless devices.

More informationBuy Now


“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” — Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

By Wendy Hearn

Has your professional life reached the point where you feel stuck in a rut and you know that a change of direction is called for? Perhaps you feel there must be something better than this or you know you have more potential, but you don’t know what it is. However, you do know that you’re ready for work that is meaningful, fulfilling and financially rewarding. Now is the time to re-evaluate and see the true potential within yourself.

You may have some ideas about taking a new direction, but there’s nothing concrete enough to take action on. Lack of action may be part of the problem. You may be spending more time and energy thinking about what’s wrong with what you’re doing at the moment, than you’re putting into changing it and finding the direction that fits you perfectly. There may be so many possibilities open to you that you’re overwhelmed, don’t know where to start and this causes you to do very little.

This direction may mean a complete change of career, a dramatic upgrade to your career or even a decision to start your own business. All are fairly big steps that you’ll need to give some thought to and clarify them specifically for yourself. To make this big step successfully, I invite you to develop strategies for an overall game plan. Then you’ll know what you’re aiming for and will naturally see the next steps that you need to take.

This approach will take slightly longer to start with, but the right strategies will give you the permanent results and changes you want, rather than finding in a few months or years that you’re back in the same place you’re in now. Strategies maximize what you do and keep your priorities uppermost in your mind rather than doing things that are all scattered, which wastes time and causes frustration.

If you’re ready to develop a game plan to identify your new direction, I invite you to consider and get clarity about the following areas. As you work through them and gain the clarity that’s essential, you’ll know that the steps you want to take are the right ones for you. What I want for you is work that fits you perfectly as the unique individual you are.

This may be the first time you’ve discovered, defined and clarified these things and it’s a great opportunity to start with a fresh page. If you’ve considered these before, then now is the time to upgrade them or connect with them at a deeper level. After all, if you had absolute clarity about all these things, you’d know what direction to take.

  • Your vision, mission and purpose
  • Your personal values; what’s important to you
  • Your strengths, talents and abilities
  • Opportunities and resources
  • The work you’re drawn to doing, ideally
  • Ideal life, career or business
  • Who you truly are and what you have to offer
  • Skills, knowledge and experience you’ve accumulated
  • Passions, interests, inspiration, likes and dislikes
  • When you’re at your best

I invite you to explore these areas in more depth, in order to gain the clarity needed to naturally uncover the direction you truly want to take with your work.

Copyright, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.

Author Profile: Wendy Hearn works with individuals to unlock their full potential for greater success, joy and fulfillment.

By Mentor Max

Your success is not a matter of idle chance,
it’s a matter of making the right choices.
It’s not something you wait for,
but rather something you’ll achieve with effort.

Things won’t turn up in this world until you turn them up.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious.
The people that truly succeed in the world
are the people who look for the circumstances they want,
and, if they can’t find them, make them.

Don’t sit on the sidelines, get in the game.
Your access to success has no real limits.
The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity for you.
You have grand opportunities all around you.
Open your eyes, and you will find it.
If you have the desire, you have the power.
Taking action is all that is required.

by Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE

Balance and the business traveler has everything to do with staying “connected”. As I indicate in my book, Work for a Living & Still Be Free to Live, we achieve a fluctuating balance by how we CHOOSE to stay connected with the critical areas of our life. Business travel can take a heavy emotional, physical and mental toll.

Let me suggest some ways to stay connected with these areas while “on the road”:

Emotional””staying connected with your home base and significant people. If you have children, depending upon their ages, consider the following: Take your child with you in your imagination. Ask them if they would select a SMALL toy of theirs that you could carry with you and so stay connected with them. Tape record a favorite story or a good night ritual which can be played before the child goes to sleep. With the child, track your travels on a map and together talk about some of the places or things of interest about your destination (lobsters in Maine; skyscrapers in NY, the lions at the Chicago Art Museum.) As an added bonus, you will have a new appreciation for the place where you’ll be.

  • Send post cards home to each member of the family (make up labels in advance and buy stamps). You only need to write one personal line. Doesn’t matter that you’ll get home before the postcard. You thought of them.
  • Leave love notes for your partner (under the pillow/ with the toothpaste/ on the bathroom mirror). My husband leaves a message with the hotel operator to deliver “Bill loves you most!” Operators really get a kick out of delivering this message
  • Have a different e-mail address for family members and send home messages
  • Take a blank book and fill it with favorite pictures of home, family, friends, pet. Always take the book with you on your travels. (I do!)
  • If possible, make separate calls to your spouse and your children. That way, no one has to share “air time”.
  • Physical””staying connected with your body. Be THERE. Don’t keep two watch times. You’ll be tempted to say “But I can’t go to sleep now it’s only 7pm in CA. or “I can’t get up at 6:00″”it’s only 3AM in CA.
  • Plan time (it won’t just appear) for exercise of any kind. Bring shoes for running or walking. Bring exercise rubber bands for muscle tone. (Take up no room) Use stairs rather than elevator where possible.
  • Bring any item which can easily make you “feel at home”. This can be anything from a pillow case, a teddy bear, a small picture.
  • If it’s your style, bring herbal scents for the room; bath salts. One friend carries a device for drowning out sound. She turns it on and selects anything from ocean sounds to raindrops.
  • Try a portable vaporizer. Clears sinuses and puts moisture back into the face.
  • Bring saline solution nasal spray for the airlines. Also, a small atomizer of water (some kinds are mixed with aloe). Body tissues become very dehydrated on flights. Drink more water than you ever thought possible.
  • Always ask for a room away from the elevator and the ice machine.
  • Unless you have great stamina, avoid red eye flights. Much better to come in rested to do work than stumble your way through a meeting.
  • Find luggage that works for you. Weight, size, length of shoulder strap.
  • Lighten the load: if an extended trip, ship home materials or clothes you won’t need. Bring a pre-addressed packing slip. Concierge can help. Whenever possible, check your baggage. Carry only with you the necessities for work and personal hygiene and health. Wear clothes that could suit for your meeting should luggage not make it. There’s far too much carry-on these days.
  • Mental””staying connected with your psyche. Self- talk is powerful when traveling. Why become angry and upset at weather delays (over which no one can do anything)? Mechanical problems are a fact of life. If at all possible, never book yourself on the last flight to your destination. Always have a later flight. And if you can’t make it, consider that you have been given a gift of time.
  • Use time in flight to get caught up on journals, periodicals, etc. For me, a successful trip is when my briefcase gets lighter and the pocket of the seat in front gets heavier.
  • See your destination with new eyes. Consider that you are an explorer. Try something new: a restaurant, a neighborhood, a museum, even the note the difference of people.
  • Keep a small journal and write observations. This also lets you bring home “more than work” to share with the home front.
  • Start the day quiet. Meditate. Deep breathe. Allow enough time to get ready before you leave the hotel.

Lastly, expect the unexpected and let go of the outcome. Do what you can for contingencies. Bring a cell phone, essential numbers and don’t book the last flight out. Then relax into the uncertainty of travel. Stress comes from trying to control the uncontrollable.

Let it go.

Author Profile: Eileen McDargh is a powerful keynote speaker, recognized work/life leadership expert, and award winning author.


What it says: “Batteries not included”

What it means: “Batteries do not come with this product, and you’re going to have to buy them yourself. Moreover, it uses unique batteries that you won’t find anywhere but a specialty store, where you’ll pay twice as much for them.”


What it says: “Some restrictions apply”

What it means: “Somehow, some way, we’ll find a way to exclude you.”


What it says: “May cause drowsiness”

What it means: “Expect a sudden bout with narcolepsy while you’re driving to work.”


What it says: “Some assembly required”

What it means: “Take the day off and borrow your neighbor’s 2,000-piece tool kit. Don’t make any other plans for the day.”

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