Which Path Are You Choosing?

While living life we have two choices: focus on what we want in our life or focus on what we don’t want. Since we attract to us more of whatever we focus on, we can spend our time fighting our “perceived” opponent or spending our time creating a better world. Fighting our opponents equates to … Continue reading Which Path Are You Choosing?

Turning Failure into Success

The way I see it, we are always getting it right, even when it appears that we’ve made a mistake, goofed things up or failed, for everything we do leads to greater understanding and wisdom. We can’t get it wrong. There is no should, shouldn’t, can’t, have to, need to or must, because life is … Continue reading Turning Failure into Success

Lessons Learned from Dog Poop

Crispin, my spirited dog of 15 years, had the habit of pooping in my neighbor’s yard when I lived in the mountains of Flagstaff, AZ. She never pooped on anyone else’s yard, except that one neighbor. I often heard my neighbor speak under his breath about how much he hated that dogs pooped in his … Continue reading Lessons Learned from Dog Poop

A Big Obstacle to Getting What You Want

Do you achieve most of what you set out to achieve? If not, you may be your biggest obstacle. While you may want a certain outcome, you may be sabotaging yourself without even being aware of how. Developing self is key to achieving goals and living the life of your dreams, by weeding out the … Continue reading A Big Obstacle to Getting What You Want

26 Quick Tips for Living an Inspired Life

Ask for what you want Be who you say you are. Care about others. Dare to live your dreams. Ease through the day. Find the best fit. Give to another. Hug a friend. Inspire someone to greatness. Jump over a boundary. Kick a bad habit. Leap across a fear. Mention something uplifting. Never say never. … Continue reading 26 Quick Tips for Living an Inspired Life