How to Use the Right Air Purifier to Get Rid of Acrylic Nail Odor in Salons

Using the right type of carbon filters to deal with the problems Protecting your customers and techs in your nail salon from harmful odors and chemicals is harder than it looks. Nail salon air quality presents one of the most difficult challenges to establishing a pleasant environment, one that customers want to return to again … Continue reading How to Use the Right Air Purifier to Get Rid of Acrylic Nail Odor in Salons

Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Here is a permanent way to deal with anxiety in the workplace without using drugs, alcohol or getting sick: First determine what the cause of the anxiety is. Is it work overload, an unhealthy environment, aggressive or abusive personalities or you don’t really enjoy the work you do? Changing your work situation so you can … Continue reading Best Drug-Free Way to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Is Your Home (or Lifestyle) Making You Sick?

If you feel tired most of the time, get sick a lot or have trouble concentrating or remembering things, it could be your home (or lifestyle) that is causing your health problems. In this FREE 1-Hour seminar you will learn how to take charge of your health by learning how to fix these health-robbing problems: … Continue reading Is Your Home (or Lifestyle) Making You Sick?

Seven Traits That Matter Most

I don’t care if you are rich or poor, I only care that you are generous of heart. I don’t care if you like men, women or both, I only care that you are a kind person. The color of your skin is irrelevant to me as long as you are compassionate. It doesn’t matter … Continue reading Seven Traits That Matter Most

Struggling to Stay on Wellness Products?

Do you waste money on supplements that promise to make you healthier, but that now sit in your cupboards collecting dust? Why aren’t you taking them? Is it the taste or smell? Is it not easy or convenient to take?  Are you expecting a magic pill that will quickly solve your health problems? Were you … Continue reading Struggling to Stay on Wellness Products?

STOP!!! Enough already.

STOP!!! Enough already.  The bickering is so loud it’s getting hard to hear my soul. All the lies, deception, hatefulness, insults, fighting and violence going on in the name of … what exactly? To what lengths will you go to oppress, suppress or attempt to obliterate those whose skin color, heritage, religious affiliation (or lack … Continue reading STOP!!! Enough already.

Why is Holistic Healing on the Rise?

Based on my personal experience, my guess would be for the same reason I stopped using Western Medicine back in 1981: too many medical mistakes, misdiagnosis, false positive tests, negative reactions to drugs, irresponsible drug prescriptions and a propensity to manage disease rather than heal the person. After I left Western Medicine I learned what it … Continue reading Why is Holistic Healing on the Rise?

Dealing with anxiety in the workplace without medication

What is the cause of the anxiety?  Is it work overload, an unhealthy environment, aggressive or abusive personalities or you don’t really enjoy the work you do? Changing your work situation so you can mostly avoid the stressors is the easy fix. But that doesn’t really solve the bigger problem, and that is letting others … Continue reading Dealing with anxiety in the workplace without medication

Secret to Getting Healthier As You Age

Our body is a sophisticated, advance intelligent life form that functions all by itself without our conscious awareness. The physical body form is another gift we  have been given, a vehicle that enables us to fully experience the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch and energy of ourselves and others and our magnificent planet lush with … Continue reading Secret to Getting Healthier As You Age

Depression is Not a Disease

Depression is not a disease, although it can be contagious. Depression is not genetic, although anyone can pass it on to others. Depression often leads to suicide to end the pain, although for family and friends suicide brings new pain. Depression is a problem that has infected millions of people worldwide, maybe even you. In … Continue reading Depression is Not a Disease